✪ bull market 牛市
The bull market has boosted investor confidence. (牛市提升了投資者的信心。)
✪ bear market 熊市
Experts have said that the next bear market will be more harmful to investors.
investment portfolio (個人或機構的)投資組合
✪ bond 債券
由政府所發行的債券就叫做政府公債(government bond)。
✪ stock 股票
The central bank issued government bonds to support government spending.
Technology stocks fell sharply last week, but investors remained optimistic.
✪ share 股份
I own 200 shares of NVIDIA’s stock.
(我持有輝達股票的 200 股。)
✪ stockholder/shareholder 股東
He is this company’s biggest shareholder, owning 10 percent of the company’s shares.
(他是這間公司的最大股東,持有公司 10% 的股份。)
✪ equity 股東權益/股權
The president owns 50 percent of the shares and holds a large amount of equity in the company.
(董事長持有 50% 的股份,在公司擁有很大的股權。)
✪ fund 基金
My aunt’s job is managing funds for investors.
✪ securities 證券(債券、股票)
The securities market in this country has been evolving in recent years.
✪ ETF (Exchange Traded Fund,指數股票型基金)
I decided to invest in an ETF to diversify my portfolio.
✪ recession 衰退
The company went bankrupt during the last recession.
✪ depression 蕭條(比 recession 更嚴重)
The Great Depression of the 1930s was the worst worldwide economic downturn ever.
(1930 年代的經濟大恐慌/大蕭條是至今最嚴重的世界經濟衰退事件。)
✪ surge 大漲
The U.S. stock market surged this week.
✪ limit up 漲停
The stock hit the limit up after the company's impressive earnings report. (在公司令人印象深刻的收益報告後,該股票達到漲停。)
✪ limit down 跌停
The stock price hit the limit down due to the unexpected negative news. (由於意外的負面消息,該股票價格達到跌停)
✪ being played for suckers 割韭菜
They invested in the scam thinking it was a great opportunity, but they were just being played for suckers. (他們以為這是個很好的投資機會而投入了資金,但實際上他們只是被割韭菜了。)
財富自由不是夢,2024 年就讓我們一起持續精進自己,學好英文!賺大錢!(投資有賺有賠,要 all in 前請三思 ),而第一步當然就是一定要記得每天回來希平方看看我們的專欄啦~