原來 bee 也有片語!而且都非常特別,看字面完全猜不出意思呢!來看看以下這四個片語你可以猜對幾個!
the bee's knees
the bee's knees 中文是「(某人或物)頂尖的、非常出色的」。
Thanks! You're the bee's knees!(感謝!你是最棒的!)
busy as a bee
busy as a bee 是「超級忙碌」的意思唷~
Evert holiday season, I'm busy as a bee.(每年聖誕假期我都忙得團團轉。)
mind your own beeswax
mind your own beeswax 有「別多管閒事、不關你的事」的意思唷~
Go away, and mind your own beeswax!(閃一邊去,別多管閒事 !)
make a beeline for...
make a beeline for 有「往某個方向衝過去」的意思,是不是也不太好猜呢?
As soon as the door opened, they made a beeline for the mosh pit.(門一打開,他們就一窩蜂衝到搖滾區。)