



《科技》高通Snapdragon 7s Gen 3平台來了! 生成式AI全面下放

【時報記者王逸芯台北報導】高通宣布推出Snapdragon 7s Gen 3行動平台,以7系列的動能為基礎,全新平台提供裝置上的生成式AI功能,支援Baichuan-7B、1B參數的Llama 2等大型語言模型(LLM);它還具備由強大高通Adreno GPU驅動的全新充滿冒險的行動遊戲體驗;並搭載12位元三影像訊號處理器(ISP)和4K sHDR等專業級攝影和影片拍攝功能。包括realme、三星、夏普和小米等領先的OEM廠商預計將於未來數月宣布採用Snapdragon 7s Gen 3。 高通技術公司資深副總裁暨行動終端裝置事業部門總經理Chris Patrick表示,Snapdragon 7s Gen 3透過包含支援裝置上AI在內的7系列精選功能,將7 系列的最佳功能導入更多中階裝置。此平台是高通致力於為各個消費者層級提供最佳行動體驗的另一證明。 小米將率先採用Snapdragon 7s Gen 3,預計將於下個月推出首款裝置,此外,realme、三星、夏普OEM廠商也預計將於未來數月宣布採用。


《科技》高通拚5G普及推Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 小米將首發

【時報記者王逸芯台北報導】高通宣布,推出Snapdragon 4s Gen 2行動平台,盼藉此提升5G的普及性與可靠度。Snapdragon 4s Gen 2搭載豐富的增強功能,包括可實現無縫多工處理和生產力的強大CPU效能、能夠提升位置精確度的雙頻navIC、運用AI強化的音訊,以及流暢的遊戲速度和強大的影片串流等娛樂體驗。Snapdragon 4s Gen 2將率先由小米採用,首款裝置預計將在2024年底前推出。 高通技術公司資深副總裁暨行動終端裝置事業部門總經理Chris Patrick表示,Snapdragon 4s Gen 2行動平台是推動5G技術普及的一項重大進展,讓更多人能夠以5G的速度探索世界。透過高通的尖端工程技術,得以在成本效益與可靠度之間取得平衡,以全天候的電池續航力提供強大效能,整合的AI, 並搭配5G的廣泛可及,實現更強大的行動體驗。 Snapdragon 4s Gen 2將率先由小米採用,首款裝置預計將在2024年底前推出。小米印度公司行銷長Anuj Sharma表示,還有很多人尚未體驗到5G的好處,但藉由Snapdragon 4s Gen 2,小米可以將5G連網功能帶給更廣泛的使用者,幫助重新塑造世界連網和互動的方式。

暐世生技2024跨足AI智慧醫療(Visgeneer to enter AI smart healthcare in 2024)


暐世生技2024跨足AI智慧醫療(Visgeneer to enter AI smart healthcare in 2024)

暐世生物科技(4197)醫材部門近年來致力於調整製程、降低成本,並積極開發藍海市場高毛利產品,在擁有ISO13485認證的品質管理系統下,產品線涵蓋血糖、血酮、尿酸以及膽固醇檢測系統。此外,暐世更積極的開發血紅素及三酸甘油酯檢測系統,未來整合為六合一之多功能檢測系統以提升個人居家檢測的便利性與多樣性。 傳統的血糖檢測主要是侵入式,在受測者的手指上扎針採血,為了免除受測者手指扎針的不適感,近幾年來無痛、無創、非侵入式的血糖檢測如雨後春筍陸續推出,但是仍然無法完全取代現行的侵入式血糖檢測系統。然而,橫空出世的AI浪潮,將可能全面性的改變人類的生活,AI的醫療應用將會對醫療科技產生震撼性的變革造福人類。有鑑於此,暐世將觸角伸入AI領域,藉由異業結盟、與AI數據軟體公司策略聯盟,整合AI數據運算與醫療設備,以期開發出無痛、無創、非侵入式的居家AI智慧血糖/糖化血色素檢測產品。 暐世表示,大數據的多樣性將會是AI智慧血糖檢測達到現行國際標準ISO 15197:2013(EN ISO15197:2015)的不二法門,AI數據軟體公司的專業是能在多樣化的大數據中開發出獨特的演算法,暐世的專業是能藉由實驗室的生化參數專注數據差異,由異中求同,互補性的雙方異業結盟,將可縮短AI智慧血糖/糖化血色素檢測產品的開發時程,暐世的願景便是未來將開發出的AI智慧檢測產品,結合健康平台應用程式,除了個人的檢測結果外,並能提供健康風險之預警。 咸信企業永續經營的基礎是建立在創新產品不斷的推出!暐世秉持不斷開發藍海新產品,相信在多元核心技術的異業策略聯盟加持下,未來將在AI醫療生技產業占有一席之地。 Visgeneer (4197) has been focused on enhancing manufacturing processes, further reducing costs, and actively developing high-margin products in recent years. With a portfolio already spanning across blood glucose, ketone, uric acid and cholesterol, Visgeneer is also separately developing new parameters like hemoglobin and triglycerides and integrating these parameters into six-in-one multi-function monitoring system to gain competitive edge in the already-fierce glucose meter market. Traditional blood glucose testing is mainly invasive, requiring a needle to prick the subject's finger to draw blood. In order to avoid the discomfort of finger pricking, new technologies involving painless and non-invasive blood glucose testing have been developed in recent years and are gaining traction in the market. However, these non-invasive systems still cannot completely replace the current invasive systems due to accuracy concerns. With the proliferation of AI applications, Visgeneer sees an opportunity to apply AI computing technologies onto our lineup through cross-industry alliances with AI data software companies. This could potentially means more accurate and non-invasive home care AI smart blood glucose/HbA1c testing products. The diversity of big data will be the only way for AI smart blood glucose detection to meet the current international standard ISO 15197:2013 (EN ISO15197:2015). By joining forces with AI data software companies, Visgeneer aims to combine its own strength in biochemical arena with the unique algorithms provided by AI companies. This will effectively shorten the development time of AI smart blood glucose/HbA1c detection products. When combined with health platform applications, this will also allow early warning of health risks in addition to personal test results. The foundation of any sustainable business operations is based on continuous introduction of innovative products. Visgeneer adheres to the continuous development of new blue ocean products and believes that with the support of cross-industry strategic alliances, we will secure a ticket in the upcoming AI medical race.

